Monday, July 19, 2010

Mental Note to Self ... Always Check When American Idol Try Outs are On

Yep,arrived in Nashville to find the town over run with American Idol (hopeful) contestants! Needless to say, accommodation was scarce and we have been introduced to the seedier side of Nashville's suberbs. We went to the famous Loveless Cafe and after the drive and waiting for more than an hour to get in, we met with incredibly ordinary food (Bec reckons she has eaten better on a plane). Maybe it was an off day, but we just could not see what all the fuss was about and would not recommend it. Strike 2 for bad food choice after the equally appauling Loretta Lyn Cafe where home cooking = adding water to instant mash... memories of the Army!. Overall we aren't too impressed by Nashville, prefering Memphis by far. For those at home, its like a super toned down Tamworth music festival. We're off to Bowling Green and Cave City, Kentucky tomorrow for the Corvette Museum and white squirrels. Thankfully Bec passed on booking us into the Wigwam motel (small mercies)! xoxo B & T

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