Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Houston, we have a problem ...

Its called "the freeway". Today was largely spent in freeway loop central going round and round and ending up in the same Shell servo!. Highway to Hell was playing on the radio and we knew just what that road felt like. Its raining, we're in Borders and finally starting to unwind. We went to the Art Car musuem today, which was great. We also went to the Orange Show and Flower House, both peculiar but not in a good way. The latter was in an area where you should take photos only from the car (seriously!). The rain has caught us again, but last night was fine and we went firecrackering with Santosh and his son Seth. It was a hoot, and it felt like being a kid again. Tomorrow we're off to Louisianna, but we will miss Houston and our fantastic host. We have been lucky enough to stay on a bayou. Bec has been on armadillo watch as they are in the garden. Houston is a great city and when someone else is behind the wheel, its even better!.xoxox B & T

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