Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wild Wild West

Today we rode through Deadwood -- Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane country -- and we saw the saloon where Wild Bill was shot with his 'deadman's hand' (aces and 8s). The smell of the pine forests was amazing to drive though, as were the lake lands. In the morning the guys tried to teach Bec to ride a motorbike, and all agreed she was better on the 4 wheeler! In the early evening we rode out to the Full Throttle Saloon, which was a sight to behold... biggest biker bar in the world. We're having such a good time we've decided to stay longer and go to a ranch in Wyoming with Ron and Carol. After that we will visit our friends in Canada for a while. Hope to be home early December. The weather has been great, we've avoided all the storms and heatwaves down south. Having a fantastic time! xoxo T & B

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