Hi everyone well we did today as I said we would and we say the guy pictured and he was singing a bit of a diddy that caught our attention "Jingle Bells Jingle Bells, Help Me Get Drunk" and considering the way he was dressed and he was telling the truth we gave him some funds to help him on his way. The Day of the Dead Festival was great and we saw some amazing costumes and makeup. The T&C goes tomorrow and we will be at the airport LAX for about 5 or 6 hours before departure. Not to sure that we will be doing much before we fly out but it's been a great trip. We will sure miss our new found friends and we have been made feel so welcome in all parts of the US and Canada, thank you one and all for your kind hospitality and fellowship of the spirit. Lookout Family and friends because we have pictures and stories that will keep you entertained for hours.. See you all soon.. Love T & B xoxoxoxox
Sunday, November 7, 2010
One Sleep And It's Homeward Bound Or As Our Friend Below Says Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Help Me Get Drunk!!
Hi everyone well we did today as I said we would and we say the guy pictured and he was singing a bit of a diddy that caught our attention "Jingle Bells Jingle Bells, Help Me Get Drunk" and considering the way he was dressed and he was telling the truth we gave him some funds to help him on his way. The Day of the Dead Festival was great and we saw some amazing costumes and makeup. The T&C goes tomorrow and we will be at the airport LAX for about 5 or 6 hours before departure. Not to sure that we will be doing much before we fly out but it's been a great trip. We will sure miss our new found friends and we have been made feel so welcome in all parts of the US and Canada, thank you one and all for your kind hospitality and fellowship of the spirit. Lookout Family and friends because we have pictures and stories that will keep you entertained for hours.. See you all soon.. Love T & B xoxoxoxox
Friday, November 5, 2010
Two Sleep To Go And The Race Is Over For 2010

Well we are still in LA and fly back to Australia Sunday night 11pm LA time and arrive 9am Sydney Tuesday EST time. With one day to do something before we fly out we are heading back down to Venice Beach and to a Dia de Los Muertos festival at Santa Ana. Today we went to see the famous West Coast Choppers (A Huge Let Down). I was expecting something better, a poor show Jesse James. I am so looking forward to a home cooked meal with some real vegies and meat with gravy... All is good and we will write befor we fly out all our love T & B xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Thursday, November 4, 2010
22 States, 3 Provinces and 2 Countries in 20 weeks... we need a holiday!

Yep, more than a State a week and its finally worn us out! We’ve decided to come home a little early as we both need a rest. It’s been fantastic but we are missing the couch, Zeddy dog and, of course, you. We are back in LA now, Bec has been in bed for the last few days with a virus, so we are laying low until our flight on Sunday. Fingers crossed we should be home by Wednesday with time changes. Thank you all for coming on this journey with us. We’ve had a blast and your emails have made it all the easier to be away so long. A special thank you to our wonderful couch surfing hosts and fantastic new friends, you are in our hearts forever!. So, we’ll see some of you real soon and some of you a little further down the track ... there is always a home for you in Australia. To our family and friends in Oz, be prepared for death by 1000 photos (we recommend running while you still can) oxo T& B
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Down in Monterey
We're here in Monterey, home of Steinbeck and Cannery Row. The weather is a little gloomy but we are staying near the lighthouse at Pacific Grove, a quaint and quiet seaside town. This morning 3 deer were at the back door of our room -- tooo cute!. Yesterday we ventured down to Carmel, home of Clint Eastwood, former Mayor of this town. They make you sign a waiver to wear high heels in the city (!) and Tony couldn't beleive the boot prices...the pair we picked up were only $2400. We were suprised they let us park the T&C there!. Today we stopped in at Salinas and Santa Cruz, walked the downtown and played in the amusement arcade (scence of the Lost Boys). We chatted with a cool custom bike builder called Bill and toured his shop with 60s and 70s memorabilia. He even taught his friend 'Patch' from Days of Our Lives to ride when he was a bit role in Matlock. Tomorrow we head off down to Big Sur then onto LA for a few days. San Francisco is in a cold/rain snap, so we have decided to follow the sun and leave that for another trip xoxox B & T
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Land of the Giants... Redwoods that is
Today we spent the day at the Giant Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks. The trees are as wide as the cars, and the Park is home to the largest tree in the world. These giant redwood firs are amazing and the wonderful pine scent filled the air, making the drive relaxing (except when Bec was behind the wheel driving down the winding road of the mountain). We climbed up an old volcano core called Moro Rock and marvelled at the incredible forest views. We met some lovely ex-pat Aussies/Scots in the hotel last night and spent the evening yarning at Cool Hand Luke’s. Now we’re driving towards Monterey/Carmel/Santa Cruz through Californian wine and orange country (turning at a town called Los Banos, which we are finding hilarious as we are in a dusty desert area) . We’ll stay in Monterey for a few nights (including Halloween) before heading onto San Francisco for a little look. Hope all is well xoxo B & T
Sunny San Diego
Areeba! Areeba! We arrived late into San Diego from Phoenix via a few border crossing car checks... very serious business but the border police were very nice to these Aussies. We toured the downtown at night and made it to Old Town in the morning for a bit of Mexican markets and fiesta. The Old Town was all decked out for the upcoming Day of the Dead celebrations in early November, so it was very colourful. In the afternoon we cruised down to La Jolla to see where the better half do latte’s by the beach. Missing the swimming Phoenix weather, but it’s sunny and clear, so who can complain!. Off to northern California tomorrow xoxox T & B
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hideaway Grill Birthday @ Cave Creek
Today we went to the swap meet then on to the birthday celebration of biker bar 'the Hideaway Grill' at Cave Creek. It was a baby Sturgis, wall to wall bikes and more. Lots of music, vendors and partiers. We had lunch at the Horny Toad and had a look around the town of Cave Creek, which was neat. Managed to get in a swim at the hotel pool, so all is well. Yesterday we went on the tour of the Harley Museum owned by former stunt man, Buddy Stubbs, some of the bikes were amazing (including Evil Kenevils). The tour was really interesting, even for Bec, and we learnt alot about early bike history plus some movie gossip. Tomorrow we're off to a wild west town in Chandler, Arizona. Loving this weather! xoxo T & B
Thursday, October 21, 2010
We're in Pheonix now, after stopping at some amazing Indian markets, one which was at the tail end of a major Pow Wow. Bec tried some traditional indian blue corn bread (looked a little like fish food flakes and tasted not too different) and we had a chat with some of the different tribal people represented there. The weather is beautiful in Arizona, warm and dry. We cant believe all the cati which suddenly appear in the desert once you near Pheonix (not seen anywhere else). Just like the cartoons, 3 prongs and towering. Gotta love it! There is a big biker event in Cave Creek on Saturday and a private tour of a Harley museum on Friday, so Tony is a happy camper! Miss and love you xoxxo T & B
Grand Canyon, Bears & Big Horned Sheep
Yesterday we went through the Grand Canyon and onto Bearizona, a wildlife park where rescued animals roam freely within parklands.Bec loved the park, and stood fascinated watching a bear cub scale 60 foot plus trees with ease and speed. The Grand Canyon was great at this time of year, not too crowded, although the day was a little hazy. It is awesome, but we are getting a little canyoned out (talk about spoilt!), so our next national park will be the redwoods. We're in Arizona today where we'll stay for a few days before driving to California xoxox B & T
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mesa Verde & Durango.. its time to Cowboy Up!
Yesterday we went to Mesa Verde, a canyon which is home to more than 600 pueblo Indian settlements from 1100 AD. These townships were amazing, carved into cliffsides, accessable only by steep ladders and paths. We did the tour of the Cliff Palace which housed 120 people. Its truly spectacular, and a little scary (its a long way down!). The guided tour provided a great snapshot history for us. The surrounding hills had amazing colours (bright organges, reds, golden yellows) and we saw a coyote crossing the road... fantastic! Today we spent the day in Durango, an old west town fameous for silver mining. It was a great day, really neat shops and a cool energy. Later on we went to the Timble hot springs where we boiled ourselves like lobsters in the piping hot mineral pools before heading back to the hotel to crash! Tomorrow is the Grand Canyon xoxox B & T
Friday, October 15, 2010
Monument Valley
More rocks! Today we went to Natural Bridges National Park for an extra dose of spectacular arches. Its home to the world's second largest natural stone bridge -- the first is also in Utah, and is one of the 7 natural wonders of the world but more difficult to get to. After the arches we drove down the phenomenal Mogi Dugway to Monument Valley, scene of many westerns and, more importantly, the opening scenes from Easy Rider. Tonight we ate traditional Navajo meals and chilled out at the river front (!) hotel we staying in at Mexican Hat. Tomorrow its Mesa Verde for ancient ruins xoxox B & T
Arches National Park
Yesterday we spent the day touring through the magnificant Arches National Park. The rock formations are amazing, making natural bridges through erosion.Its a bit like a lunar landscape in parts, and you spend the day seeing shapes in the rocks. We hiked through some fin canyons and sat in the hole of windows archway, overlooking the valley. Off to the four corners today, to stay in Mexican Hat and visit Monument Valley xoxo B & T (PS they filmed Raiders of the Lost Ark and City Slickers here!)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Black Canyon of the Gunnison and beyond!
Today we drove out to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, near Montrose, Colorado. The canyon was spectacular... sheer pillars of black granite and a formidable river. The scenery throughout the Rockies is breathtaking (not just because of the 8700 foot altitude!). At the moment the trees are a golden yellow, mixed in with evergreen firs. The roads up and down the mountains have been quiet and easy to drive now that its not snowing (today is a balmy 20 degrees). Tony saw his first roadrunner, but still no bighorn sheep. We went off to the Colorado National Monument at dusk, saw the canyons in a glorious pink hue. Unfortunately we had to leave because of the dark, but we were the only ones there, so it was quite special. Tomorrow we go to Arches National Park for some hiking (exercise, ahhhh!)xoxox T & B
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Rocky Mountain High
We're in Colorodo Ski territory -- Aspen, Brekenridge, Vail -- and suprise suprise it snowed!! Yep, caught in the first fall for the season in Idaho Springs, a bit scary as it came in fast, icing the roads. The scenery is beautiful though, gorgeous snowcapped peaks and incredible canyons. Bec spent the trip singing Eidelweiss, and we feel like we are in one of those shaker bubbles. It went from 1 degree to 20 degrees this afternoon. We're staying in beautiful Glenwood Springs, and Bec went in the huge hot springs tonight, which she loved (toasty warm now). After doing the mountain towns today, tomorrow we start on the national parks ... the first being the Black Canyon of Gunnison then Colorado Monument. Still looking out for bighorn sheep! xoxox
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wildlife in downtown Boulder Colarado
Well today we ventured out of Denver to Boulder to check out the sights and we got to see the sweet down town area where we spotted a cute little Squirrel eating nuts. It is a collage town, very artsy/trendy with a Greeny feel to it. The mountain views on the way into Boulder were fantastic, a flashback to Jasper and Banff. Tomorrow we are off over the Rockies to Glenwood Springs and Aspen, bring it on, we're just hopeing that the roads aren't iced up as there is snow in them there hills xoxo T & B
Sunday, October 10, 2010
We Got Crabs in Denver!
Finally left the children of the corn (if we see another corn field again it will be too soon) and made it into a rainy Denver. We walked a bit around the 16th Street Mall (which would be just gorgeous on a sunny day) before heading to Aurora, where we are staying. Soooo buggered but made time for Joes Crab Shack, which was fantastic. Too full to move! Tomorrow we're off to have a look at Boulder (Mork and Mindy country)and hopefully see the Rockies, which were fogged in with the weather. Its gone from 27 degrees yesterday to 10 degrees today, but then again, we are a mile high up here. Hope to have some mountain pics to upload soon! xoxox T & B
Friday, October 8, 2010
Ice Cream Capital of the World ...in Iowa???
Today we rode over to Le Mars, Iowa,the 'Ice Cream Capital of the World'. After a bit of choc mint and pecan praline we hit the road to Sioux City. Think endless corn fields and quaint small towns (Beresford, Dell Rapids). It was a gorgeous day, a bit under 30 degrees, perfect riding weather. Tomorrow we're driving to North Platte, Nebraska, hometown of Buffalo Bill Cody. Heading towards the snow in the Rockies then on to the desert. Will post when we can (not sure if we'll have comms in the national parks)xoxox B & T
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Devils Gulch
Yesteray we rode out to Devils Gulch, location of Jesse James fameous 20 foot horse leap over a gorge to escape police (yes, he apparently made it!). The gorge area is beautiful, and they have dropped 500 foot plumbs into the water and still never reached the bottom. After that we went on to Pipestone, Minnesota, where we visited the Sacred tradition of Pipestone Makers store and the pipestone national monumnent. These peace pipes are made of a red stone and the pipemaker was telling us that he regularly travels to drought regions to bring rain with the thunder pipes (keep him out of Repton, we have enough!). Today we are off to Sioux Falls downtown area for the sculpture walk. Heading south on Saturday for Colorado before the snow sets in xoxox T & B
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Polar Bear Riding Club
Yep. we're now part of the Polar Bear Riding Club (for rides done at 5 degrees C or less). A cold front moved in and out have come our Canadian coats! We went to Buffalo Ridge today, home of the tackiest and most dated exhibits we have seen all trip...just fabulous! Our favorite was a giant paino playing gorilla in trakkie pants, a common site in the wild west days. Ironically, we saw more bison on the roadside, not forgetting the white buffalo Beck saw in Jamestown North Dakota on the way down. Tonight we played our first game of dominos (its not just a pizza chain, who knew!). Off to explore downtown tomorrow and perhaps a bit of shopping (suitcase #6 now) xoxox T & B
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Fantastic Sioux Falls
We've arrived in Sioux Falls a couple of days ago, missed the floods by THAT much! Its meant that the waterfall has been flowing and everything is green though, so we are pleased (and there doesnt seem to have been too much damage at all). Its a warm change from Canada (yeah!) and lots of catching up with Ron, Carol, Jim, Harlan and Sue. Last night we went to the Science Centre where we got to play a game that uses only our brainwaves to move the ball (sooo neat) and saw 2 Imax/Cinedome films (luckily before we ate, talk about head spins). Been travelling around on Jim's bike (so Tony is thrilled) and Bec has even managed to do a yoga class!. We'll be here another couple of weeks, leaving just after a halloween dance -- we're all going as biker zombies and devils, already have the latex and face paints. Stay tuned for pictures! xoxox B & T
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Goodbye Canada!
...hello USA! This morning we left our friends in Eastend and headed to the US via Climax, Saskatchewan. The border crossing went well, except for the water snake who decided to arrive the same time as us (not sure if she was hitching a ride under our car). Bec stayed in the vehicle until snakey moved out of the way. Lots of driving today, now in GlenDIVE Montana ready to sleep (luckily, because there's nothing else to do here).Tomorrow we hit the road for another big day of driving to our friend's in Sioux Falls. Until then xoxo B & T
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Art class, chocolate cake and song
We're getting ready to leave Eastend tomorrow, but have had a blast here with Trea and Bronwyn. Today Bec, Bron and Trea were part of a womens painting workshop with watercolours, tonight we all ate cake and listened to Trea's beautiful singing.I'm getting into the African drums around the house (my inner hippie) ... we will really miss being here. Eastend is a 'blink if you miss it town', lucky our eyes were wide open. And we have laughed so hard that we found new ways to rieki cleanse, and almost ran out of matches xoxox B & T
Thursday, September 23, 2010
We have moved on from Medicine Hat and travelled two and a half hours south to the small town of Eastend in Sasketchetwan, visiting friends we met at the Ye Old Jar Bar garage (Piet and Ina's concert for music lovers). Our friends Trea and her beautiful daughter Bronwyn are both very talented artists, as you can see, a picture tell a thousand words. The girls went and did Yoga tonight and Bronwyn and I did dishes and chatted over a cuppa and donuts (man we burned off some calories). Tomorrow were both off to do Reiki and other things... keeping ourselves busy. Next stop the US Border. Yippy back to the warmer climate... Love T & B xox
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Melodies in Medicine Hat ( C minor in D haus)
We are still in Medicine Hat, the undisputed centre of the Canadian universe. Tony's back is still buggered but he has dragged himself out of bed to play therapy harps designed by our friend Kevin. Fantastic, each night with Piet, Ina and friends has been better than the last (even with injuries and cold weather). We have played instruments, sung, did tai chi exercises and reiki, and laughed, laughed, laughed. And we have now sampled every dessert available at Superstore. Tony has found his inner court musician ... past life? Just trying to figure out how he can combine harp playing and harley rides. Our plans are changing a bit based on mobility, but all is well xoxoxo B & T
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pain in the @#*%$!
Poor Tony is bed bound after an evening's excitement at the concert. Yep, his back is out and we are staying in Medicine Hat a few more days before we continue east. Piet and Ina have been incredibly generous in having us stay longer, and its so neat to be in their company. Everyday is like a party with family and friends coming by, and feast like meals.The lovey Trea gave Tony a reiki treatment and his bend has improved to a tilt. Will write again when we're back on the road xoxox B & T
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Magnificant Medicine Hat
We are in Medicine Hat aka Hell's Basement (named for its underground natural gas). Its home to the world's largest tipee, a great local history museum and the fabulous Piet and Ina, muses and music promoters extraordinare!. We were fortunate enough to be here for a performance by one of Canada's most famous folk singers, Garnet Rodgers, in the intimate venue of Peit and Ina's garage. it was fantastic! 50 friends, 4 guitars and a whole heap of amazing talent! We'll be sad to leave Piet and Ina as we head off to Moose Jaw tommorrow. Its getter colder and the car is moaning, so fingers crossed we make it across Canada and down south. Love and miss you all xoxo T & B
Monday, September 13, 2010
Banff and beyond!
We've been having a cool time in the Rockies, seeing Athabasca Falls, Supwapta falls Bow Lake, Lake Louise, Lake Minnewanka, Glaciers and more. A misread map took us briefly to British Columbia then on to Banff, Canmore and Deadmans Flats. Banff was gorgeous... we had coffee in the Banff Springs Hotel overlooking the mountains and took a gondola ride up the mountain and got snowed on!! Its been between 3 and 10 degrees most days. Spectacular scenery, fantastic company and even shepards pie and bangers with mash... just like home, but in a nuclear ice age xoxox keeping warm, T & B
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Rocky Mountain High
Well we've hit the road towards the Rockies, stopping in Jasper overnight. It is beautiful here, and Bec has already seen elk and baby bighorn sheep off the roadside. The lakes are crystalline and the mountains are snowscapped. Its a sunny 10 degrees and we are relaxing into the day! Tomorrow its Lake Lousie and Banff xoxox B & T
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Just Chillin ... literally
Well its still a tad chilly for these Aussies in Canada. We've been hanging out with our friends, visiting some local sites and letting out our inner rocks stars on the Wii. The other day Bec went ice skating but the excitement was too much and she's got a touch of the flu. Tony's been riding around in the big truck, drinking coffee and chewing the fat. Tomorrow we're off to Jasper then Banff, as we make our way across the Rockies. We've even bought matching lumberjackets and devil horn beanies ... photos coming! Love and miss you all xoxox Bec and Tony
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sorry for not blogging, we've been waiting for our fingers to thaw! Yep, its a balmy 8 degrees in this Canadian summer... read it... 8!!!. Still, we have pulled out the winter gear, including beanies and gloves, and hit the ice hockey last night watching Spruce Grove. Yesterday we went to the Edmonton mall, one of the largest in the world. It even has indoor rolercoasters and a water park (with wave pool). We only saw about 1/4 of it, but half of Alberta was there avoiding the cold snap. Luckily we are near a leisure centre with spas and steam rooms to warm the bones. The other night Shawn cooked us a NZ lamb roast, which was fantastic. Just chilling today. Love and miss you all xoxox B & T
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Moving through Montana
Yesterday we drove through Montana stopping at Little Bighorn along the way -- the site of Custer's Last Stand on what is now the Crow Agency Reservation. Montana is surrounded by spectacular mountains and truly is 'big sky' country. There's alot of grain producing land, so we have passed vast, seemingly endless plains of wheat like crops filled with hay rolls. There is sage growing wild and the occassional antelope, but no people. Today we drove through Sweetgrass Montana into Canada and have now arrived in Calgary. Its a little late to see the town (thats tommorrow) but we had a fantastic Vietnamese meal and are ready for bed. The weather has really cooled down, so we've packed the cossies away (for now!). Off to Edmonton tommorrow night, where we will stay with friends. As they say over here, love and blessings, xoxo T & B
Windy Wyoming
The north wind blew the cold into windy Wyoming just as we left. Today we’re on the road to Great Falls, Montana, heading to Canada. Yesterday Bec got to ride in a combine, watching the elk and deer in the pastures. We had elk snitzels and hung out with our friends before saying goodbye. We have had such a great time with Carol and Ron and their family, and were a little teary at the gas station where we had to part ways. Still, we aim to catch them on the return leg to the US in a month or two, which will be fanastic. Oh, for those who have tried to call, we still have no phone service in this region ... its been almost a month so we’ll look to get another one in the interim till we get back down south. Just passed Crazy Woman Creek and the Bighorn Mountains.Miss and love you all xoxox T
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wyoming Ranch
Yesterday we left Sturgis for Gillette, Wyoming. Passed through Sundance, home of the 'Sundance Kid' and arrived at Glen and Nancy's around dusk. Saw deer and antelope along the way, and spent the night relaxing in their hot tub/spa under the endless sky. Bec saw her first shooting star and we got to sleep in the Toy Hauler (think 'Meet the Fockers' rig). This is plains country now, very flat compared to the Black Hills, but beautiful. Off to repair a radiator hose today, and visit the Rockplace Museum xoxox T & B
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wild Wild West
Today we rode through Deadwood -- Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane country -- and we saw the saloon where Wild Bill was shot with his 'deadman's hand' (aces and 8s). The smell of the pine forests was amazing to drive though, as were the lake lands. In the morning the guys tried to teach Bec to ride a motorbike, and all agreed she was better on the 4 wheeler! In the early evening we rode out to the Full Throttle Saloon, which was a sight to behold... biggest biker bar in the world. We're having such a good time we've decided to stay longer and go to a ranch in Wyoming with Ron and Carol. After that we will visit our friends in Canada for a while. Hope to be home early December. The weather has been great, we've avoided all the storms and heatwaves down south. Having a fantastic time! xoxo T & B
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Nothin but Good in the Badlands
Wow! Yesterday we drove out to the Oglala Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in the Badlands (Thunderheart country) with our friends Carol and Ron to stay with the fabulous Col and Joy. We toured their incredible 40,000 acre cattle ranch throughout the canyons and learnt about Sioux history along the way. Its truly beautiful country and we feel incredibly fortunate to be able to stay with such amazing people. The canyons are sunset were just spectacular and we even spotted a badger and some antelope on our 4Wdriving. In the morning Bec went flying with Col, touring the Badlands from the air. She spotted a coyote, snow swan, prairie dogs, chickenhawks and more. They flew over the bombing areas , cheyenne river and coffin butte. The ranch is so peaceful, a welcomed break from the revving engines of Sturgis. On the way back we visited Red Cloud school where there was an art exhibit and Sioux history museum. To top it all, we passed a herd of bison/buffalo (yatanka) on the way home. Each day is full of great new friends and experiences, we are having a blast! xoxo Bec & Tony
Friday, August 13, 2010
Riding Free in Wyoming
Today was a dream come true for Tony, riding in the Black Hills of South Dakota on the Sturgis Wyoming Wednesday run. More than 50,000 bikes descended on Devils Tower in Wyoming and we were one of them! Our fantastic new friends Carol and Ron lent us one of their bikes and we all did the ride together. Sue and Harlin came too, so it was really neat!. Its amazing to ride helmet and leathers free... Tony’s beard curled in the headwind!. This is definately the way to travel xoxo Bec & Tony
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Who You Get To Meet At Sturgis
Day three and we have done just about all there is to do in the town of Sturgis, and that's cool as there is so much to do in the Black Hills around the camp and surrounding area. In saying that I got to meet Sonny (Ralph) Barger the World Leader of the Hells Angels. He impressed both Bec and I and he signed a couple of books for me. He has the ability to make you feel like your the only person in the room, nice guy and his wife was sweet as well.
Today we're off to Deadwood and Spearfish along the mountain trails. It is truly beautiful country and where in search of the Bison and Black Bears. Hope to find other places of interest. The Van is doing well and its a little like sleeping in an army rover or an APC at times. I know its a long walk to the toilet at 3 in the morning, you know I improvise like I did in the army.... Back tomorrow. Tony and Becky
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sturgis or Bust!
Four more states in one day (Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota) and we arrived in Sturgis territory. Stopped in Mitchell, South Dakota to see the 3 story high closseum made of corn ... think Royal Easter Show but bigger. We also passed the Badlands on the way into Sturgis, incredibly breathtaking scenery. There were thousands of bikes on the road all the way up the highway, which was an amazing sight in itself. We are now camping with new found biker friends, having a great time. The T&C is a little cramped, but we are making it work. The crowds in Sturgis are phenomenal, lots of stores, bike expos and bars. Its full on and we are greatful we have a place to rest from the crowds and the frenzy, so are getting the best of both worlds, coming back to the camp to yarn and rest. Almost deaf from the harley engines on mass, but who need to hear anyway! xoxoxo Tony & Bec
Thursday, August 5, 2010
5 States in 1 Day!
A short stop in Hooters to avoid the Memphis storms and its driving through 5 states in one day! Yep, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas ... on the road to Sturgis. We stopped at the headquarters of the Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, Missouri (home of the colt M16 and M4 rifles) where they had a live 8ft+ alligator in store (amongst other animals). It’s massive, with an entrance that says for “Fishermen, Hunters and Other Liars”. Drove through the Ozark Mountains and can really feel the temperature change from Florida. Tomorrow we drive to Sioux Falls, then Deadwood, South Dakota xoxo T & B
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Destin Florida ...The T & C gets some TLC
Well we are still here in Destin Florida where we have been for the last week. It has given us a rest from the endless roads and Interstates and we have needed this time to recover from travelling from coast to coast, north and south. So this has been a good opportunity to regroup and plan the next legs of the trip. We've found lots of things to keep us occupied -- swimming in the Gulf of Mexico was just a start. This is a very busy part of the USA as the summer school holidays are on, so the place is packed. Our friend Alan comes home tomorrow and we're looking forward to that as he is a hoot. Hopefully he can show us his Destin. We've met some real nice people as well. Man we have to make big distance on the road from Wednesday for the long trip north, as we need to be in Sturgis so we can get to see Bob Dylan and Guns and Roses. So I intend to move heaven and earth to get there on time and then we will be able to update from the road again. We hope to have some noteworthy news soon ... Tony and Bec Lost in the USA
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Theres a Problem in the Engine Room, Cap'n!
Yep, our T&C van has decided to call it a day it seems. Yesterday morning was spent visiting mechanics on an emergency stop in rural Alabama. The prognosis is not good (read more expensive than the car) and we limped down the highway to our friend Al's a bit earlier than expected. So we are holding up in Destin Florida for a while, sorting out a new set of wheels (fingers crossed). Still, its a quality problem -- Destin looks like the Gold Coast in its glory years, feeling very I dream of Jeannie's Coco Beach, and its beautiful weather. More importantly, we didnt have to sleep roadside broken down in the backwoods of Alabama/Florida last night, so all is good. We are truly greatful for Al, our guardian angel, especially given that he is in LA at the moment! Will write again when we're back on the road xoxo B & T
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama, Florence (Muscle Shores)
What an amazing find! We stayed with the spectacular Scott and Sue. Their home was on Cypress Mill Creek and when Bec wasn’t eating Sue’s delicious zucchini bread she was on otter alert at the river! Bec and Scott kayaked down the creek (even conquered the 2 foot rapid!!) and we toured the lake after our bluegrass/folk lunch (learning about Frisbee golf!). One of the highlights of our visit was listening to old Tom Hendricks, a Euchee Native American man “born on the wrong side of the moon” tell his stories about the memorial wall he built to remember his great grandmother who walked the Trail of Tears. [An infamous part of early US history when Native Americans were forcibly removed from their lands and relocated on foot to Oklahoma]. His memorial is an incredibly spiritual place and an amazing testament to one man’s passion and perseverance. We could have stayed all day listening to Tom, and stayed another year listening to Sue and Scott. The only consolation for leaving Florence is our threatened returned. Off to Birmingham now, but the car is spluttering down the road (she doesn’t want to leave either!) xoxoxo B & T
Chattanooga Choo Choo!
Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Louisville, Kentucky
Home of the Slugger baseball bat, Louisville is surprisingly quiet for America’s 16th largest town. Our GPS first sent us to a trailer park as ‘downtown’, which was a hoot. Back on the road, we found the city’s entertainment section, ‘Fourth Street Live’, which was only a little alive as it was a week night. The river area is pretty, with several bridges and paddle steamers. Tony is thrilled, our hotel is opposite a Harley dealership and by this stage, we’re looking forward to a bit of RnR. We are heading back south to visit our friend Alan in Florida, so our map really does look like a wacky races tour! Off to Lexington/Georgetown, Kentucky tomorrow then back to Tennessee (Knoxville) xoxo B & T
Fort Knox, Kentucky
Yep, it’s the Fort Knox of THE Fort Knox, on Bullion Boulevard. Came here for the George Patton museum, which was fantastic ... full of tanks, memorabilia and even a section of the Berlin Wall. Bec was really impressed, as we expected some small local museum (free and not well publicised). It’s enormous and so comprehensive (she even redeemed an earlier ‘strike’). Unfortunately they didn’t let us into the Fort Knox repository (wonder why?), we could use the money for more Harley shirts! Off to Louisville tomorrow xox B & T
Corvette Museum, Kentucky
We arrived in Bowling Green, Kentucky to see the famous white squirrels (who were apparently hibernating) and the corvette museum. So many corvettes, so little money! We visited a couple of civil war battlefields along the way and Kentucky’s Stonehenge. Got booted out of the distillery looking for the world’s largest bourbon barrel, and Tony vetoed some of Bec’s more bizarre roadside trips (giant dinosaurs, mystery caves and “midget mountain retreat”, don’t ask!). We’re staying in Cave City at a hotel right out of a Brady Bunch family special. Heading north tomorrow! Xoxo B & T (oh, newspaper headlined that more than 16000 showed up for Idol try-outs, ahhhhh!).
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mental Note to Self ... Always Check When American Idol Try Outs are On
Yep,arrived in Nashville to find the town over run with American Idol (hopeful) contestants! Needless to say, accommodation was scarce and we have been introduced to the seedier side of Nashville's suberbs. We went to the famous Loveless Cafe and after the drive and waiting for more than an hour to get in, we met with incredibly ordinary food (Bec reckons she has eaten better on a plane). Maybe it was an off day, but we just could not see what all the fuss was about and would not recommend it. Strike 2 for bad food choice after the equally appauling Loretta Lyn Cafe where home cooking = adding water to instant mash... memories of the Army!. Overall we aren't too impressed by Nashville, prefering Memphis by far. For those at home, its like a super toned down Tamworth music festival. We're off to Bowling Green and Cave City, Kentucky tomorrow for the Corvette Museum and white squirrels. Thankfully Bec passed on booking us into the Wigwam motel (small mercies)! xoxo B & T
Civil War Heartland
We're in Henderson, Kentucky staying with a great family and learning alot about US civil war history. Today we visited Savannah and Shiloh, the grounds of a famous battle and now grave site (~3800 people). The storms started rolling in, so our trip was cut short, but it was a suprisingly beautiful place. Some of the smaller towns in Kentucky are gorgeous. The area is in the middle of local elections, the candidates for which have been providing us endless roadside entertainment (note Ricky Rotten for Sherrif photo!). Off to Nashville tomorow! xoxo B & T
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Today was our trip Gracelands, more special than we expected. It was truly impressive to see what Elvis accomplished in his life, although the furniture shocks you right back into the 70s! We've been walking around Memphis today which, despite the 40+ degree heat, is fantastic. The blues is being played live everywhere, and the city is really neat. We're off to hear some more bands tonight before heading off to Nashville tomorrow. The Mississipi Delta has been very interesting. We stopped off in small town, big prison Lexington on the way north to Tunica/Robinsonville. Tony's tapping his feet, ready to dance, so until next time, take care. Love and miss you! T & B.